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Business Exhibitors

 - not yet available, pending clarification of new Evergreen Fire Rescue outdoor special event rules/regs.

This popular event, presented by Big Chili Cook-Off, Inc., is an annual event held for the purpose of bringing the community together to support six local mountain area fire departments.  Cancelled in 2020 due to the pandemic, the Big Chili Cook-Off typically draws a large family audience of over 3,000 attendees each year. This one-day event features artisan and business vendors, a great selection of chili to taste and sample; and awesome entertainment.  Big Chili Cook-Off Music & Arts Festival is promoted throughout the local Evergreen and Denver metro area through local newspapers, small businesses, civic and church groups and the Evergreen Park & Recreation District.


Big Chili Cook-Off is held at Buchanan Park in North Evergreen, at the corner of Highway 74 Evergreen Parkway and Squaw Pass Road.  Evergreen, Colorado is located approximately 10 miles south of I-70 and approximately 11 miles from Morrison/C-470 area.



The Retail Business Vendor area is for those business owners who have a service to promote or who sell imported or other retail items.  If the items you sell are handmade by you, you should complete the Art Vendor booth application rather than this one. 


Applications will be reviewed then you will be notified of acceptance.  Businesses having questionable products or services will not be allowed.  No marijuana businesses allowed. Businesses wishing to sell food must apply as food vendor.   


At Buchanan Park, the Retail area is located in a centralized outdoor area.  Each Vendor will be assigned a 10’ x 10’ space on grass. Booth assignments will be pre-assigned. You will not be able to select your booth space. Vendors will be allowed to drive to their booth location during set-up (to unload) and tear down (to pick up equipment) only – but contingent on weather and turf conditions.  Vendors must provide their own display tables, chairs, booths, canopies, etc.  If using a tent, you must provide adequate weights or method to secure the tent in case of high winds.  If you need to rent a tent, etc., contact Big Chili Event Director at 303-973-1209.  We encourage you to create a visually pleasing booth area, with a sturdy 10’ x 10’ canopy (no plastic tarps), good signage and a trash receptacle in their booth.  Come prepared!  Colorado weather can change quickly.  Come prepared for sunshine, but bring rain covers and tie downs just in case an unexpected storm rolls through!  You will be emailed booth set-up and parking information approximately TWO weeks prior to the event.



Vendors may check-in and begin setting up their booth on Friday, September 6 from 2-5pm or Saturday, September 7 from 7:30am – 9am.  Load-in times will be staggered to alleviate bottlenecks and access issues. There will be close by parking available, however it will be limited.  On Saturday morning, we encourage Vendors to drop off their booth items, then drive to one of the event off-site parking lots.  Shuttle bus service will then be available (Saturday only).  Vendors must stay until event close on Saturday.  No early departures on Saturday! 



Booth fee is $175 per 10’ x 10’ space. There are no discounts for multiple booth spaces. Fee must be included with this completed, signed application to be considered.



For each 10’ x 10’ booth space, vendors will receive two (2) vendor admission wristbands.  If you pay for two booths, you will receive four wristbands – etc.  If you require more than two vendor wristbands (for one booth), you must pay for the additional wristbands.  Fees must be included with this application.



You will be notified by email if your booth application has been accepted within one week of submission.  If not selected, you will be refunded your fee. No refunds will be given after August 15.  Call immediately if you must cancel after you have applied. Those not calling will be considered “no-shows”, and will be barred from participating in the future.  No refunds will be given if the event is canceled due to weather issues or other causes.  Application deadline is Friday, August 30, 2024.



As business owners, it is your responsibility to collect and submit the appropriate sales taxes to state and federal agencies for this given location.  For tax information, go to  Do not contact us with your tax questions. Due to insurance requirements for the event, each vendor shall obtain general liability insurance of no less than $1,000,000, naming the Big Chili, Inc. as an additional insured and provide a certificate of insurance stating such.  

If you do not have insurance, contact the Big Chili office at 303-973-1209.



Direct further inquiries to Event Director- Lora Knowlton at 303-973-1209.  You can also email questions to  


2025 BUSINESS EXHIBITOR APPLICATIONS - not yet available, pending clarification of new Evergreen Fire Rescue outdoor special event rules/regs.
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